Saturday, March 26, 2011

Scavenger Hunt Sunday!

Well I have missed the past few weeks of the Scavenger Hunt! I've been sick and uggh, it's no fun! Anyway, I am starting to feel better and really want to join back in. Here are this weeks prompts:
1. Decay ~ Ok, I was out taking pictures in my yard and I thought I caught a cool bug.... then I realized it was dead and just sitting on the dead flower which were both decaying, hmmm pretty gross!

2 ~ Groups of three - Lots of flowers were in groups of three, ok, I know I could have been more creative but I couldn't think of anything else and I really liked being outside in the warm weather.

3 ~ Kitchen - Well I took this in the kitchen with things I found in the kitchen. I saw an image like this on Flickr and I wanted to see if I could duplicate the effect. I think it came out pretty cool.

4 ~ Things that make me go hmmmm - Ok, these weird buds make me go hmmm because I have no idea what they are but they are very interesting to look at and photograph!

5 ~ Me time - When I want me time I pick up my camera and head outside. It is the one thing that I enjoy the most. It relaxes me and helps me feel grounded. I love to head outside during the golden hour!

Well those are my shots for the week. Let me know what you think. To see more or to join in on the fun, head on over to:

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Fix it Friday at I heart Faces!

I liked this picture and thought it had a lot of possibilities for edits. It's really good already SOOC but I think the texture really makes it pop.
Here is the original:

Here's my edit:

Let me know if you like it, I love to get feedback! To see more great edits head on over to:


About Me

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Georgia, United States
Photographer, wife, mother, not necessarily in that order. Recently relocated to middle Georgia. Mom to one daughter and three cats. Learning to take the time to stop and smell the roses... oh, and maybe photograph them too!