Sunday, August 15, 2010

Something new to try, Scavenger Hunt Sunday. Seems like it will be fun! Here are my photos for the hunt:

First one is mood. My daughter was in a nutty mood while posing for me for some pictures!
Next is something masculine. I thought my husband and beer would do!
Then something for feminine. My jewelrey box....which happens to be quite a mess.
Then something with my first or last initial. I went with C for Christine. There are two here!
And lastly architecture. I went with the ceiling in my diningroom because one I love it and two I didn't get to go out and take anything else!
Thats all for this week. If you want to see more head over to


  1. I'm always glad to see new bloggers participating (well new to me). These shots are great. I especially love your mood shot - hilarious! Now following so I can see more!

  2. Ditto Ashley, I too will follow! GREAT interpretation on it :D

  3. Love the mood shot! Wish I could get my son to participate happily. I have to pay him to cooperate! :-)

  4. Love these! The beer shot is VERY cool. Nice work.

  5. wow, great shots. Thanks for sharing.

  6. I LOVE these! My favorite is the one of your daughter - she looks like so much fun! LOL! :-) And the hubs and the beer...what is more masculine that that - ha! Great shots!

    (Oh, and your "orange" shot above is awesome!)

  7. Your husband's smile in the background of your masculine shot is priceless! Super shots!
    Just saw you're in Georgia - me too.
    New follower. :D

  8. The shot of your daughter is great! I love how her hair is completely out of control!

  9. Your mood shot is priceless! And I'm not sure you could get any more masculine with beer and a hubby... Great work!

  10. love the movement in the mood shot. that is incredible!

  11. The mood shot is wild! Love the hair! The husband/beer shot's angle is pretty cool!

  12. Love the mood shot and love your "initial" shot!

  13. I absolutely adore the picture of your daughter in your MOOD shot and your dining room ceiling is absolutely beautiful!

  14. Really like your initial photo. The mood pic is wonderful, too! Great job!

  15. The mood shot is great! and your hubby and beer truly exudes masculinity.

  16. I really like your feminine shot!


About Me

My photo
Georgia, United States
Photographer, wife, mother, not necessarily in that order. Recently relocated to middle Georgia. Mom to one daughter and three cats. Learning to take the time to stop and smell the roses... oh, and maybe photograph them too!