Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Touch-Up Tuesday!

Thought I would post something for touch-up tuesday since I usually always do post processing of my images. Thing is I used Paint Shop Pro X2 while most use Photo Shop so I can't really tell you what I've done but I'll try. Here is the SOOC shot:
It's ok but I think it's sorta drab and dull and her skin has a bluish grey color since it was taken in the shade. Here is the photo after I worked on it:
I ran the digital noise remover, sharpened the eyes, used the blemish remover. Then I added some warm textures that I used in dodge, overlay and multiply modes at different levels. I don't use any pre-made actions since I can't with Paint Shop Pro so I make them up as I go. Let me know if you like it. : )


  1. Wow! Good work. I love your finished product! Her skin tone and texture look fantastic and her eyes pop very nicely.

  2. Oh wow - what a beautiful edit - and it still looks so natural. Love it.

  3. LOVE the warmth and texture you added! What a gorgeous shot. My new goal is to really get comfortable with using textures. They really do so much to enhance a photo! Yours is beautiful. Thanks so much for sharing! :-)

  4. Wow! What a great edit. Love her skin colour.

  5. I really like your edit! Love the pop of color! Great job!

    From PDX with Love

  6. Wow, excellent improvement! I'm soo lacking in my editing skillz :P

  7. good job. I use paint too and also Pixlr.


About Me

My photo
Georgia, United States
Photographer, wife, mother, not necessarily in that order. Recently relocated to middle Georgia. Mom to one daughter and three cats. Learning to take the time to stop and smell the roses... oh, and maybe photograph them too!