Saturday, November 20, 2010

Scavenger Hunt Sunday!

It's that time again and this time I actually had my pictures taken before Sunday morning! Ok, here they are:
1. The view above - I took this to mean the view from above, so this is a picture of a girl I photographed the other day. I was on my deck above her and she was looking up at me.

2. Something hot - I tried a few things and was not liking them. Did you know it's hard to take a picture of the inside of the toaster when it's toasting something, really it is. So I got my daughter to pose again, even though you can't tell it's her.

3. Something cold - I went with the obvious with this one.

4. Electronic - My husband cell phone. I was going to put it on white but I felt the junk all around it added more interest, or maybe I just didn't feel like getting the white background set up.

5. Sparkle - I had fun with this one. I love these ornaments, I took two out in my yard and hung them on a tree and took a ton of shots, I really like how it came out!

Well thats my items. To see more or play along head on over to


  1. I love each of these shots and your use of texture...wonderful work this week.

  2. I really like the jumble in the background of the phone photo, it makes it look more authentic. I love the hot photo too, it's a really cool effect!

  3. Great shots... and I especially love the various textures you`d applied to the photos!

  4. love your work, my fave is a view above, great shots

  5. Oh wow, gorgeous work! Sparkle is lovely, the hot edit is cool and electronic captures the ordinary so very well!

  6. My favourites are those baubles outside and the view from above.

  7. The sparkle is so pretty! Did you use a sparkle texture? How did you get all of the little sparkles around the ornament? Neat!

  8. Love all of your shots!

  9. Another shot of a cell phone! Guess I was right on with that one today. LOL Yours has much more interest. Love all your shots, and especially the ornaments shot outside. Gorgeous!

  10. I love your sparkle. The light it fantastic.

  11. Oh! These are all great shots. I can't pick a fave although the ornament hit my photographer's eye kind of special. ;-)

  12. wow, great shots! I really love them all and I can't pick a favorite!

  13. Wonderful pics, I love the textures and your sparkle shot is so pretty.

  14. Oooooh the texture, Oooooh the DOF, Oooooh the perspective. I love your work!

    I can't wait to come back for more.

  15. Wow! Beautiful photos, each one of them. Funny you ask but I DO know the difficulty in photographing the inside of a toaster while toasting.

  16. Wow, all of your shots are so pretty, but that last one! AMAZING!

  17. All your shots were amazing but I must say that the view above photo is just magical. Love her eyes.


About Me

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Georgia, United States
Photographer, wife, mother, not necessarily in that order. Recently relocated to middle Georgia. Mom to one daughter and three cats. Learning to take the time to stop and smell the roses... oh, and maybe photograph them too!